I was having breakfast with my dear friend Don Goehner just before Christmas. He shared something with me that he planned to do for 2012. He prayerfully selected a word to be his focus for 2012. He selected the word “possibilities” with the attached verse of Luke 1:37 – For nothing is impossible with God. He told me that he would look for possibilities every day from God.
I loved this idea and became enthusiastic about it for myself. I chose the word “ponder”. It is from Luke 2:19 – But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Mary is my favorite person in Scripture. I have always loved her responses to what God had done in her life. She turned them over in her heart deeply and in wonder. She didn’t quickly move on to the next thing. She went slowly allowing herself to soak in the wonders of God. That is what I want to be like and it is my focus every day for 2012.
This excited me so much that I began sharing it with others. Here is my list of family and friends and their words so far:
Susie ~ Listen
Joel ~ Patience
Sam ~ Think
Don ~ Possibilities
Pam ~ Celebrate
Amira ~ Present
Lydia ~ Breakthrough
Suzanne ~ Intentional
Lyn ~ Risk
John P. ~ Dream/Imagine
Shelley ~ Solitude
Otila ~ Gratitude
Katie ~ Compassion
Nancy ~ Thankful
Jen ~ Joy
Kristie ~ Trustworthy
John B. ~ Change
I am praying my loved ones’ word for them every day. I have enjoyed it so much and I believe that God is transforming us with the words he has given us.
What about you? Is there a word the Lord has for you this year? If so send me your word and scripture and I will pray it for you every day in 2012!
Join the One Word People.