Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy New Year - January 7 2011

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 1:5)

Dear Team!

Happy and Blessed New Year to you! For me the ending of an old year and the unfolding of a new one is always an amazing sacred event.

I look back and realize that no matter how hard or good it was, God was faithful! Again. Another year that He provided, helped, forgave, encouraged, and changed me. I had so many monumental joys in 2010 in my life and ministry. I bet you did too. And I had the tragedy of my beloved brother’s death. I know many of us have had deep challenges, struggles, and tragedies as well. And yet with gratitude and joy we can truly say, “God is Faithful!” What a gift this is. I recorded 30 ways God met me in 2010 in my journal. I am so thankful and give glory to God.

As I begin my walk with Jesus in 2011 it’s with anticipation but also my continued grieving over what I’ve lost. Yet I see God constantly bringing life and resurrection out of this painful loss. I continue to look moment by moment of what God wants to do in me through my brother’s death and God continues to speak and weave.

I want to encourage you this year to be kind to everyone because everyone is fighting a hard battle. I want to encourage you to live with constant gratitude for all you have. I want to encourage you in your struggles to fix your eyes on Jesus and know that He will be faithful again in 2011. I want to encourage you to believe and expect wonders and miracles in your life and ministry from the God who makes all things new. I want to encourage you to believe God can move suddenly, in a breakthrough, in a place where you feel stuck. I want to encourage you to dream wild, ask big, and love large towards God, leaders, and kids in your ministry.

God goes before us in 2011! The best is yet to come! He won’t leave us or forsake us!
Be encouraged!
I am praying for you!

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